Saturday, 13 April 2013

C.3 Evaluation Question 3

Question3: What have you learnt from your Audience feedback? Following the recent premier of my horror trailer ‘Revenge’ I have received feedback from my test audience. My group received good comments and bad comments. The good comments were very consistent when it came to the soundtrack and pacing, which gave the trailer a racy, thriller like feel. We also received comments about the end sequence. The vast majority of the audience felt that the compilation scenes previous to the slow motion shots of the killer walking towards the camera gave a shaky, intensifying effect to the whole sequence following up to the final shock shot, of a scary face looking at the camera and a loud scream, to shock the audience. However, not everyone felt the same, particularly about the ending sequence. Opinions were expressed that one particular shot in the fast shot compilation was ‘too shaky’. Further comments were made that the end shot, which was designed to shock the audience was more comical than frightneing, which of course a problem. Further comments were also made that the beginning sequence was seen as confusing, and that the plot of the trailer was not fully explained. So all in all, judging from the received feedback, our trailer had flaws but was successful. It had a thriller soundtrack and a racy pace which gave the trailer a fast and eerie mood. The end sequence was also successful, particularly the shock shot of the face as the final shot and the killer walking towards the camera in slow motion, all in all giving the trailer the mood and pace of a thriller. However, as well as being successful I also know that it was in places confusing and in others more amusing than scary. But still as a hole I think, judging from most of our feedback our trailer was successful.

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